Guidelines for Providing Art
Preferred File Formats:
ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR up to and including CC:
Although Illustrator allows you to embed images into the file, Flexografix requires the linked, high-resolution files and fonts. Just a few tips when using some of Illustrator's filters and effects:
Avoid using transparencies in group, or on top of one another.
When creating glows and drop shadows, avoid using Multiply as an option. Darken, is a better option.
Avoid using an effect on a filter, such as Opacity.
Always set Document Raster Effects Settings to 300 dpi; not 72 dpi. You can find this setting in the Effect menu.
Please do not use spot colors in a gradient mesh.
All fonts, or an outlined file, must be supplied. If an outlined file is provided, and a text change is required, there will be a charge for typesetting.
““I often send less than perfect artwork and you always seem to make it work.””

ADOBE PHOTOSHOP up to and including CC:
We prefer Layered files. Layered files are especially helpful if a photo has several elements, drop shadows or an element that needs to be converted into spot or Pantone colors.
The minimum resolution for a continuous tone image is 300 dpi.
The minimum resolution for a bitmap image that includes text is 1000 dpi at 100%. Flexografix does not recommend text be created within a continuous tone image.
If the image goes to the edge, please provide enough image for .125” bleed on all sides.
INDESIGN up to and including CC:
Supply all high resolution links, fonts and a PDF from the final file.
QUARK XPRESS up to and including 8.0:
When suppling a Quark file, we request the customer supply a composite laser of the final file. XPRESS is well known for text reflow. Please use actual Bold, Oblique and Bold Italic fonts instead of the provided options on the bottom of the measurement pallet, or the type style menu. Provide all fonts and linked files used in the file.
FREEHAND up to and including 10:
Provide all high resolution links, fonts.
PDF: Provide all high resolution links, fonts.
MEDIA: CD, DVD, E-mail, or FTP.
If you would like to use our FTP, please contact your Flexografix Graphics Project Manager, who will provide you with a secure folder, user name and password on our FTP server for your use.
Due to the variables inherent to Flexographic printing, additional separation engineering is often completed to produce a higher quality, more consistent printed product with faster press set-ups and reduce waste.
If you have any questions, please contact us at (630) 350-0100.